Information for Contributors

Author Guidelines

General guidelines

  • Font of the main body: Times New Roman, 12 points

  • All margins: 2,5 cm.

  • The main body should be left-aligned.

  • Type space: 1,5.

  • Paragraph indent: 1,25 cm.

  • No pagination.

  • No automatic hyphenation.

  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate reference points and described properly.

Detailed editorial guidelines

  • If a complex mathematical formula is needed, please contact the editorial board in advance. MS Office, TeX/LaTeX or other solutions are possible to use.
  • Phrases in foreign languages should be in italics.
  • Quotations should not exceed one paragraph. Short quotations, which are supposed to be within the body of the text, should be enclosed in quotation marks while longer ones should be separated in a block without using a paragraph indent or quotation marks.
  • No bold text should be used.

Structure of the text

All submitted articles should have the following structure:
  1. Due to the double-blind review process, the submitted file with the text of the article must be devoid of any details that may help to identify the author. In particular, this applies to information such as the name and surname of the author (authors), affiliation, corresponding e-mail address, ORCID iD.
  2. Therefore, all metadata from the Microsoft Word file should also be deleted (File> Save As> Tools> Security> Remove any personal information from file properties on save > Save).
  3. The author fills in the appropriate parts of the article submission form with the relevant metadata. Therefore, they are inaccessible to reviewers.
  4. All metadata is required. Title, abstract, and keywords should be both in Polish and English, regardless of the language of the paper.
  5. The first page: the title of the article in Polish and English.
  6. The second and subsequent pages: the main text of the article.
  7. Bibliography.
  8. Annexes (they should be placed at the end of the text, each one on a separate page).

Subheading guidelines

The text of the article should be divided into several parts using subheadings. Three degrees of subheadings are acceptable. All of them should be preceded with a paragraph indent of 1,25 cm and they should have no automatic hyphenation, be left-aligned, using the following font: antiqua, Times New Roman.

First-degree subheading, font: 14 points, bold.
Second-degree subheading, font: 12 points, bold.
Third-degree subheading, font: 12 points, not bold.

Annotations, citation, bibliography guidelines

The submission should follow APA formatting, adapted to the Polish language.

Please refer to:

Harasimczuk, J., Cieciuch, J. (2012). Podstawowe standardy edytorskie naukowych tekstów psychologicznych w języku polskim na podstawie reguł APA. Warszawa: Liberi Libri,

The most important rules include

1. Author-date in-text citations should be used.

The format of citation is (Surname, year, page) or (Surname, year) if the whole book in general is cited, eg. (Sławińska, 2011, p. 10), (Sławińska, 2011).

2. We recommend that no footnotes are used in the articles. In exceptional circumstances, when essential information is needed, please use endnotes.

3. The description of a table should be below the table and the description of a figure below the illustration.

A description of a table consists of a number of the table (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) in antiqua and a title of the table written below the number of the table, in italics. No full stops should be used.

All graphics used in the article (charts, diagrams, photographs, etc.) should be referred to as a 'figure'. A description below the figure consists of a number of the figure (Figure 1., Figure 2., etc.) in italics and a short description of the figure, written in antiqua. A full stop should be used after both the number and the description of the figure.


For example:

Table 1

Hierarchia słów kluczy w badanych korpusach

Figure 1. Zależność liniowa między nakładem a średnią liczbą sprzedanych egzemplarzy.


4. Bibliography should be in alphabetical order. All references should follow APA (6th edition) formatting.


Magazine & newspaper articles

Park, D. W. (2002). Pierre Bourdieu’s “Habitus” and the Political Economy of the Media. Demographic Communique, 23(1), 1-21.


Magazine articles with DOI

Krippendorff, K. (2017). Three concepts to retire. Annals of the International Communication Association, 41(1), 92–99.



Gackowski T. (2014), Jak zostać wilkiem z Wall Street? From: (05.09.2017).



Sławińska, T. (2011). Prasa regionalna na nowe czasy? Historia sukcesu francuskiego przedsiębiorstwa prasowego Quest-France. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.


Books with an editor

Krauz-Mozer B., Ścigaj P. (ed.), Podejścia badawcze i metodologie w nauce o polityce (pp. 499-513). Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.


Chapter in a book with an editor

Kasprowicz, D. (2013). Metody mieszane i ich zastosowanie w badaniach nad partiami politycznymi. In: B. Krauz-Mozer, P. Ścigaj (ed.), Podejścia badawcze i metodologie w nauce o polityce (pp. 499-513). Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.

In case of doubt, please contact the Editorial Board.

Polskie Towarzystwo Kumunikacji Społecznej

Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication

Content of the articles is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license